"Yoga entered my life over 12 years ago when I was physically & mentally broken, close to death from anorexia. My therapist suggested yoga, little did I know how much it would change my life"
. "My mental issues started much earlier as I was only 4 years old when war broke out in Sarajevo & after 8 months of living under siege my mum & I were forced to escape & resettle in the UK as refugees
Having experienced severe childhood trauma, I had dissociated from my memories but held deeply ingrained pain, unable to process what had happened to me at such a young age. Much of this was internalised within my body & the seeds of self hate planted
I developed anxiety disorders, complex trauma, OCD, body dysmorphia & chronic depression which led to repeated suicidal thoughts. Everything imploded when I turned 19 & spiralled into anorexia. I spent 6 years completely lost, filled with self-loathing & isolated from everyone
It was only after I began therapy for the 2nd time that my body began to heal physically, 8 years later my mind is still healing. Though I'd been practicing asana for a few years, it was only after I embraced recovery more fully that my practice developed into something deeper
Yoga felt like being embodied for the first time in my life, connected to my body. The practice allowed me to experience mindfulness & stopped my racing thoughts. Learning to be in my body & integrating physical sensations, emotions & thoughts with non-attachment or judgment has been incredibly healing
To feel comfortable & safe in your body after years of hating it is not easy & takes time
Yoga has been my anchor, it has allowed me to connect to my true self, to begin dismantling damaging beliefs & allowed me to connect not only to my self, but to others & gain a deeper understanding of the connection we all have to everything
Yoga hasn't healed my illnesses, but has allowed me to learn ways of managing my pain, of living & being in this world & relating to others. Trauma & anorexia shattered & disembodied me, yoga has been the practice of putting myself back together 🙏
