"I was really struggling with personal trauma & depression from the loss of my younger brother due to an accidental gun shot by my step-brother
Meet @haleylynbiggert sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
I started my yoga journey 4 1/2 years ago following that fatal accident. For years I watched the tragedy tear my immediate family apart
It was devastating
I decided I had to do something to save myself. I had tried counseling, antidepressants & nothing helped me cope with the trauma & depression .....until I found yoga 🙏
I started practicing at home daily by watching YouTube videos. Yoga helped me so much that I decided to go for my certification. I now teach & share my love for yoga! I want to pay-it-forward & help others be the best they can be
Love Always
The world is full of hate, negativity, judgments & nay-sayers, already. Why follow the crowd when you can Love Always? Love yourself. Love others. Remember, hurt people hurt people & all they need is to be Loved & accepted. To each their own I say, people are going to do what they want anyway. So why not stop the judgments & Love Always? Show Love. Be Love. Love Always ❤
I thank you Fierce Calm for inspiring me to share how yoga saved me. I found my purpose in life through yoga! Yoga heals & brings me back to my true self
Yoga saved my life! 🙏❤🕉