"Yoga saved my life in many ways. When I was younger, I was a mess, crazy, impulsive: never thinking of the consequences of my actions
When my son was born, I was even more of a mess (my brain does not function well when I lack sleep!) & I battled post natal depression. On top of that my husband announced he wanted to leave London & start a business in Africa. That was not the plan!
I didn't really have time to go to yoga then, but when I stopped breastfeeding my son, I managed to start going a couple of times a week, thinking the physical aspect might do me good. Luckily I met a wonderful Jivamukti teacher who showed me the spiritual side of yoga
From that first Jivamukti class, I fell in love with it & found a refuge in my practice. I learned how to open my heart, to love, show compassion: learning to forgive myself for struggling & not feeling like the perfect mother; forgive my husband who had left me alone with a baby to start a business in another continent .
Thanks to the combination of a new found meditation & yoga practice, I also started to see more clearly, I started to become more aware, more grateful, stronger & a much happier person. The depression ebbed away with every hour I spent on my mat
Thanks to yoga I also realised what I wanted and what I could not accept anymore. It gave me the courage to speak my truth. I told my husband that I could not stand being a single mum anymore, with him so far away in another country . He came home
We have been working a lot on our relationships & did our best to save our marriage. Yoga really helped me as a form of therapy, helping me understand myself & to improve my relationships in general, with my mother, at work, etc
Today my life is not perfect but I learned to look at the positives in my life & not focus on the negative as I used to. It's taught me that all things pass, that I don't need to become attached to situations or emotions. I am grateful
Yoga saved my life, my family, my health & my mind - and led me to begin the journey of yoga teacher, giving a meaning to my life to share this practice with everyone "
