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Meet Fatimaeliza @fagonzo_yogini_bear sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us These are her words

"When I first started yoga I had reached a point in my life where I was extremely stressed out and having serious anxiety about a class I was taking at university"





"I was stressed about my life, about the dream that I had and had been working so hard for and felt it all falling apart


I kept being advised that I should try to exercise somehow. I was not excited about working out in any way, shape or form. I tried a program that had bits of yoga incorporated into it, and loved it


I then found out that @lululemon hosted community classes every Saturday. I was determined to try it out, try something new especially since I had a rough year prior- still struggling with what path I should taken in life and recovering from a heartache


 I had no idea what I was doing and it was nerve wrecking in every possible way! A good friend of mine came to the class with me: since I did not have the courage to do it on my own. It was difficult, but I loved how I felt mentally and physically after and knew that I had to keep at it. Fast forward a year, built up the courage to do teacher training and to dive deeper into the practice. No expectations


Now I am a certified teacher and love it! Teaching students and forever being a student of this beautiful practice brings me such joy


Yoga has helped me so many ways. Not only physically and mentally, but it has given me the tools needed in order to help me in whatever way I need. I am eternally grateful and thankful for yoga 📷"


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