"As a young black boy growing up in pre gentrified South London the art of puffing up your chest, learning to scowl & walking with a bop to appear harder than you could ever hope to be were skills perfected at an age when the white kids in my junior school were still playing with action men"
"Racism taught me that in order to survive I had to become my own action man, my own super hero, the king of my own kingdom and that vulnerability was an emotion never to be displayed outside the postcode of S.E.15
Couple this with a home environment where the expectations placed upon shoulders were doubled by the hopes of a generation of immigrants dreams & it was no surprise that depression & anxiety soon manifested itself in my brain
Yoga, meditation & wellness are the tools I use to deal with the world I find myself in but it’s a lonely space when your people feel they can’t join you on the mat. When materialism, consumerism prescription & illegal drugs are preferred to harnessing the power of free energy in the body
Rest assured my latest career left turn was done for self preservation & a mission to take the mysterious world of Yoga to the people who need it most. After the running stopped working & my night time release became a full time @run.dem.crew job I needed something new to help me cope with the world outside my front door
It’s a heavy stone to push up the hill yourself & the Wellness industry knows it has a lack of diversity but thankfully it’s a problem that’s slowly beginning to be addressed
While we wait for the industry to realise its duty in the healing process, let us close our eyes for two minutes & take the deepest of breaths. Breathe in goodness, breathe out the bad. Repeat times infinite until balance is restored. Bless up people & have an awesome day 🙏🏾
