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Meet Care @careyogi Sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words šŸ’š

"I lost my way over 5 years ago & couldnā€™t figure out how to get back & out of the darkness" "On paper I was rocking it but in my personal life was like an out of control forest fire that is growing by the minute . . Iā€™m so grateful I found Yoga in the spring of 2014 & I can confidently say Yoga Saved My Life! Yoga was the key to my Pandoraā€™s box on how to get control of my life šŸ™šŸ’œ . . My nervous system has endured 2 mental/nervous breakdowns... not something that I would wish on anyone! . . I finally figured out after 29 years; that I share a vessel with High Functioning Anxiety which comes with Social Anxiety, Chronic Depression, ADHD, PTSD. I was offered several prescriptions however at this point I knew how much I had already healed with a holistic approach in my weight loss journey, so why not apply it to my mental health & get to understand it! . . Yoga has helped me re-fall in love with Life and Myself!! Itā€™s given me to tools to accept where I am in this present moment without judgement and make the changes needed to grow . . It reconnected me to my body after it had felt so Numb for years. It took my hand & helped me physically transform my vessel one day at a time! šŸ’Ŗ . . Yoga helped me rediscover clean eating, my love of animals, helped me connect the dots and go vegan! šŸŒ± . . Yoga helped me conquer addictions like a 15+ years binge eating disorder, a love of junk & fast foods, smoking cigarettes . . Itā€™s helped me become mindful & curious about my recently discovered Mental Health passengers that I share this journey of Life with! How Iā€™m able to work with them all & figure out how to stay in control of my own wild & at times terrifying thoughts. Itā€™s provided me with the confidence to go at my mental health journey holistically & naturally! . . I am soo grateful to my two sisters @catie.darling + @darlingg.j for putting up with my stubborn ass & after months of NOs, finally convincing me to try a Hot Yoga Class over 4 years ago!! In fall 2016 I became a Yin teacher, 2017 a Moksha teacher, 2018 a qualified flow teacher šŸ™šŸ’œ"


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