"When I lost a baby to a miscarriage in February of 2018, I was in the middle of my RYT 200 teacher training. Without yoga and the community of like minded people surrounding me, I would have completely crumbled under the grief
I first found yoga in the beginning of 2015. My intention was for physical improvement, but I had no idea what was also in store for me mentally and emotionally
Yoga became my outlet, my safe place through tough times with careers, finances, relationships... my practice was always my safe space
When I had the miscarriage in 2018, I was in the middle of my RYT, I would have completely crumbled under the grief without my yoga and that community
Over the months that followed I grew stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically through my practice, and I am now expecting a daughter in April
Yoga saved my life and gave me hope when all seemed lost, and for that peace I am eternally grateful
I want to use my knowledge and my practice to strengthen women and men, athletes and mothers, those who feel lost physically and emotionally. I want others to find within themselves what yoga found in me 🙏
Cameron 💚"
