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Meet @bijayogatoulouse sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"There was a massive explosion seventeen years ago, on the 21th of September 2001. I was 17 years old. A part of me died that day, along with many others, at 10:17am"


AZF was the name of a chemical factory in Toulouse, France. The blast was equivalent to 20-40 tons of TNT, measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale, and was heard 80 km away. The incident resulted in 29 deaths and left thousands wounded and countless others traumatized and bereaved

If I am teaching yoga today it’s because of the AZF explosion, because of that traumatic experience


Without yoga I might have never found my way out of that day and never fully woke up from that nightmare


Yoga was a matter of survival and the first time I did a class (an ashtanga class with my now very good friend Laura Pero) it was like my mind was clear for the first time in a long time and, for a very short moment while lying down in my very first savasana, my heart and my body were at peace . Yoga saved me. It took 10 years but it saved me


I wanted to write about life, yoga, PTSD, motherhood for a long time and this time has now come


My heart and mind are with the victims of AZF, the dead, their families and the 8000 people that were injured and traumatized on that day .

I remember 💚"


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