"When I look back on myself, on how I was before yoga, I see I was full of fear. I wouldn’t try ANYTHING if I thought it had some risk attached to it
When I first came to Yoga I couldn’t touch my toes; downward dog was agony. I had no dance, aerobics or sporting background. I was in no way athletic as a child or a teen. In fact, I despised any sort of movement unless it involved my eyes moving from side to side to read words across a page. I was more book worm than fitness freak (still am in many ways)
I originally came to yoga, not for myself, but for a family member who suffered terrible anxiety - which the internet told me was a great tool for alleviating symptoms. So, I hunted for a local studio that offered private sessions. I booked us into Yoga Kula Leeds & we were welcomed with open arms by a kind & considerate teacher
Luckily, when I went to my first class, I really had no concept of what Yoga ‘should,’ or could, look like. All I knew after that first session was that whatever it was we had just been made to do - which felt like contortionism at the time - had the side effect of making me feel, for want of a better word, Zen. I was hooked instantly
I used to be so fearful of Walking somewhere ‘dangerous,’ surfing, skiing, inverting, confronting. I'd shout for my teacher to help me down from Wheel Pose for fear of breaking my neck & cry at the thought of a headstand. But I've now been skiing, surfed, inverted, been down the Devil’s Pulpit (google it) & feel more comfortable & secure in myself than I ever have. By gently pushing my boundaries in the safe space of my mat over the last four years, with the guidance of wonderful teachers, I have slowly begun to alter the way that my mind functions & reacts
I have discovered a brave self I never thought I would know & met some incredible people. I want to share this with everyone so I'm back where it all began @yogakulaleeds participating in their first YTT. By showing up on your mat, again & again... & again through every wobble & every fall. That is when the magic will happen, that is when the changes will take place
