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Meet @ashlee.mcdougall sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"I was born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic & potentially fatal lung disease, and I wasn't expected to live past 18"


"My childhood was filled with numerous traumatizing procedures & hospitalizations - & back then trauma wasn’t widely discussed


I found yoga at a time when I was moving through life unaware of past trauma & reacting accordingly. I didn’t understand that stuck energy manifested in my addictive behaviors, extreme emotions, anxiety, disordered eating habits, etc. I genuinely thought that my behaviors and actions were normal and that life was supposed to feel so overwhelming


It wasn’t until I went to a yoga training & had a PTSD flashback in the middle of a yin class, that I began to understand that feeling constantly overwhelmed is a sign of trapped energy


Since then, I have spent years studying how yoga can help facilitate healing by bringing awareness to past hurt (trauma), repairing energy channels, and creating a safe space to calm my overwhelmed nervous system


Yoga gave me the tools to live with intention and mindfulness, and helped me to stop living in reactivity


Healing is a lifelong process and I’m blessed to have found this path. 🙏


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