"4 years sober. I feel free cause I work hard at it. My life used to be full of alcohol. Thursday thru Sunday. Drink. Monday. Talk about how great the weekend was. Tuesday and Wednesday plan the upcoming weekend. It was a cycle. There was no room for anything but that. Today I have a different life. One I would never trade the world for. But I work hard at it
10 years ago, I found yoga through P90X. I actually didn't like the practice but what I did learn was that the more I did something, the more my body would do. The first time I tried it I couldn't hold downward facing dog. My shoulders and hands cried out in pain
However, over time, I would wind up just plowing right through the 90 minute power yoga sequence & learn to do crow. It was fun but it just wasn't for me
5 years later my daughter would ask to try yoga. I found her a youth class that was subsequently cancelled and so I had to find her a new place to go. There was a local place right down the street that allowed her to go with the condition that I go with her. I figured it would be a great opportunity to do mommy daughter time and so I went with her
That one class a week we took together wound up being one more a week to try out teachers. Then another. Then before I knew it I was going 5-6 days a week. I loved it
What I didn't realize was that Yoga actually changed me forever. I noticed how my body was each and every time I hit the mat. I am not the same person I was yesterday, nor will I be the same person tomorrow. That has been an important lesson. Aside from that I want to treat my body right. I want to make it to the mat and do my practice. Without it, my day just goes terribly wrong
About 4 years ago I quit drinking. My sobriety is in part credited to Yoga amongst other things. However, my practice brings me a peace I don't think i would have ever reached otherwise
Today my practice is very different than how I started. I'm good to my body day in and day out. I listen to it 🙏
Thank you for reading 💚"