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Meet @_sheridanruth_ sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"My hair started falling out when I was really young. I have alopecia, an autoimmune disease"

"The disease was out of my control, so I would try to control everything else, suffering from anxiety.

Then, I was just sad, and I couldn’t recognize who was in the mirror in front of me, spiraling into depression, eating disorders, a very toxic abusive relationship


⁣⁣⁣Then, I found yoga


Yoga reconnected me to my body, my self, my confidence, my friends, my family, my ,and my intuition. I used to feel like my body was against me

A practice that goes deeper than the physical, that pulls me out of the intrusive thoughts, that works with my body and allows my body to work with my mind. It has completely changed my perspective on mental health, relationship, my body


Yoga has helped me pull myself out of the fight or flight response and overcome dissociation. It has taught me to find confidence with what is below the surface, which is true, unmoving confidence that affects everyone you are around. It helps you find peace and aligned action


Now, I live in a beautiful country, Colombia, I do work I believe in every single day, I have raw, vulnerable, real, strong relationships, I am comfortable in my body, I have all the tools I need to deal with things when I do feel down or anxious. I have written an eBook, I get to teach all of these beautiful things to my lovely students and I get to see people flourish through their own struggles 💚


Yoga is the reason I am here today🙏




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