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Meet 96 year old yoga teacher @anneeversfraser sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us.

"I was first introduced to yoga by my daughter over 30 years ago. It was something we enjoyed doing together & allowed us to re-connect as adults. Life is hard & I wasn’t the best mother while my kids were growing up but my sweet Katie never gave up on me



Katie is no longer with us but her spirit lives on and I feel it when I practice with my granddaughter Maggie. I introduced her to yoga & now it is a way for us to connect & make memories on our yoga dates



My yoga journey began in the 80’s at Yoga Gupta in NYC. One thing led to another & several years later I eventually did my teacher training with John DeMinico & “Blue Collar Yoga”. In 2002, I got my chair yoga certification at @kripalucenter with Lakshmi Voelker. Currently I teach a chair yoga and meditation class at my retirement community. I am so grateful for this practice



Im here to tell you it’s never too late. I share my story because I want as many people as possible to get this information & take back their life! If they need some inspiration show them this 96-year-old doing yoga who went PLANT BASED & is THRIVING!



I love how my practice has changed along with me. I just started my #walkeryoga journey & having so much fun seeing what’s possible. Check out this pyramid and warrior lll pose variations! I was bummed about having to use the walker but now I see it as a way to change the perception around it & inspire the walker community



At first, the walker made me feel dependent. Then I changed the story I was telling myself & now it makes me feel independent: I started focusing on what I could do instead of what I could not

. I realized I could adapt my yoga practice & that was so empowering! It gave me something positive to focus on & positivity is SO important!



I don’t know if I would have been able to change my perception without the encouragement of my granddaughter so I encourage all of you to be the positive light for a friend or family member going through a challenging time. We need each other now more than ever & this community proves that ❤"


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