"Nine years ago today I was collected by taxi at 6:30am, wearing age 10 leggings & vest & my boyfriend (now husband's) hoody that swamped me in comfort & security. I was shaking & sobbing because I knew what lay ahead of me this day; I was going to an NHS treatment centre for Anorexia: to help me, feed me & help heal me.
I honestly thought 9 years ago I was going to die through the fear I felt. The fears I had inside were so overwhelming, all I could do was shake & cry to express them"
"Not until that day did I feel real fear. I didn’t feel fearful hearing the doctor say I had 2 weeks left before my heart gave up, hearing my therapist consider sectioning me or seeing my mum cry every time she saw me
It wasnt until that day that fear ran through me thinking that food would hurt me; nurses were out to get me, that I'd lose everything if I got better; that I was nobody without anorexia
The fear of knowing this was the end of the road for my eating disorder & protection it gave me. The fear of finally having to face my fears & begin the unknown process of healing
The human body is so incredible in how it can repair itself but what is more incredible to me is the human spirit.
The spirit of faith & belief in something greater than ourselves.
Of being stronger than we could ever imagine we could be
Of facing fears through a waterfall of tears
The spirit of courage to not back away from a challenge, of not giving up when we fall but choosing to start again. Again. And again
Over the past 9 years I've grown in ways I never thought I could
Recovering from a mental illness & addiction doesn’t hold a cure I’ve learnt. There is coping, there is management & there is healing, all of which are on going processes that force us to grow as we go
Looking back isn’t always good but for me looking back on this day & remembering the start of my recovery, will always warrant recognition & I will never stop sharing my story & message;