"Yoga has been a real 'coming home'. In the midst of the storms that have tried so many times this year to blow overboard, yoga has quietly reminded me to return to my own 'self'"

We're delighted that @jo_lives_on Joanne decided to share her @yogasavedmylife story with us, she's an inspiration. These are her words ❤
. "I'm a (mainly) self taught yogi. My journey began last year but really kicked up a gear at the beginning of this year when my mental health deteriorated quite rapidly. I ended up as a psychiatric inpatient twice this year and was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder, along with ptsd and OCD tendencies
Yoga has encouraged me when I felt I couldn't go on, it has humbled me when I tried to 'control' the illness . . I took my mat into hospital with me both times and tried as best I could to spend some time everyday on it. As hard as it was (i was manic) it instilled a sense of discipline. I wouldn't be where I am at this point in the illness trajectory if it wasn't for yoga... mindfulness practice for the win every-single-time 🙏❤ .