Here's our Ambassador @emilybrettyoga founder of our charity partner @ourmala sharing some of her story & a vitally important appeal đ
"I was once on a long silent meditation retreat & after sitting for around 16 days it was as if there was an earthquake internally & I started to cry & all the memories & emotions I'd repressed came roaring to the surface. I saw an older man sitting on a chair in the lovely gardens of the monastery in Northern India, so far away from home, & the blue of his jumper reminded me of my dad & that started me off; then the damn burst. Sense of self obliterated. There was darkness in which one could scream & never be heard & cry & never be seen but self? Nowhere... Memories of gender based violence & death came, feelings of shame, guilt & horrible imagery & what they'd said were overwhelming. I wrote a note to the meditation teachers to ask if I could speak to someone after a few days of this
It was like my whole body was failing, I couldn't walk properly, only slowly, hardly eat
A teacher, who used to be a monk, didn't judge me, said, 'I know it might not seem like this now but this is an opportunity for a completely fresh start. Let it all go. You deserve nothing but love.' I can hear him now. I will never forget his compassion or that of any my yoga & meditation teachers
Teaching yoga to people who have survived war, torture, trafficking, slavery & persecution is my job in London: teaching some of the most amazing people I have ever met. The people I founded OURMALA to help have none of the security we take for granted. Most have experienced atrocities worse than imaginable & have so little support. I just want to help in any way I can so they can rebuild their lives & find dignity & fulfillment
This Christmas at @ourmala, we're inviting people to give a gift of compassion: buy a healing yoga class for one refugee who has suffered enough. Donate via link in bio or purchase from our shop đ
Please open your heart even more, despite all the political crap, injustice & uncertainty. TURN UP THE LOVE đ Emily
