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In middle school I started smoking pot & drinking. High school brought it to a new level with meth

Meet @cassihuntlife sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"Growing up I was a child with attitude, desperate for attention & just wanting to fit in.

Between middle school & age 23 I struggled with alcohol & drug problems; mainly alcohol, but the drugs were there. I couldn’t go out without drinking, I couldn’t socialize without a shot, I had no idea how to be around people sober, so I always drank


Everyone goes through phases in life. My phase for 10 years was incredibly self destructive; drug & alcohol problems from age 13-23. I was falling down a rabbit hole with no hope of getting out


Once I became sober when I was 23 I had trouble controlling my emotions. I would get angry in a split second then the next be happy. I couldn’t figure out how to talk to people and my anxiety in crowds was unbearable. I couldn’t figure out how to be happy sober so I secluded myself from the world


My daughter was born and I finally found a ladder to climb back to the world. I started doing yoga to help strengthen my core muscles. I work a physical job & I was always in pain. Little did I know, yoga would open up a whole new world for me


Becoming sober was tough; probably the toughest thing I ever had to do. After becoming sober, yoga taught me how to live again


I can control my emotions, I can go shopping in a busy store, I can have conversations & I have the patience I needed to raise my girls


I am here now, I am aware, I am living the best life I can live & I will never turn back


Do I regret anything? No I don’t. I wouldn’t be who I am without my past. I wouldn’t have my beautiful first born, Isis. I wouldn’t have found yoga or the drive to help others


I see the world through a completely new lens. Beauty that has always been there, I can finally see. The good in people I always ignored is finally shining bright. Through sobriety & yoga I found my purpose in life. I found beauty. I found peace. I am the best person I have ever been & I’m only getting better


Yoga truly did save my life & I hope I can save others" ❤


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