Meet @terianncarty sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I had been ravaged by my addictions for over ten years and one morning after a series of devastating events, I looked in the mirror, not recognizing my face and decided right then and there that I was done. I got to rehab, did all the things that were suggested in AA but felt like I needed more
Yoga had been in and out of my life since my 20s and I loved it but my addictions were stronger
After 3 months of sobriety I gave myself a gift, I took myself on a yoga retreat. To say that week changed my life would be a major understatement. I knew after that week was over that yoga was in my life to heal me 🙏
3 years after getting sober, I took my first 200hr TT, and nose dived into teaching. Today, I spend my days giving back what I have learned. The yoga community has alcoholics too (shocking, I know😆)and now I sponsor teachers and students
I am beyond grateful for my practice, my sobriety, for living one breath, one day at a time 💚 Terri"