"I was suffering with chronic back and muscle pain and my lifestyle - overdoing the nightlife - was contributing to my depression"
Meet Lara @laranataliayoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us from Germany. These are her words ❤
" I struggled through the everyday existence of real life. In my mid twenties I felt like a jaded old woman with nothing to look forward to, nothing worth getting excited about, nothing more to see in the world
When my partner brought a puppy 🐶 to our house something triggered my depression further, I noticed I needed to do something to get it under control. I found internet yoga with @barbra_noh_yoga & started some basic stretching and breathing exercises at home until I noticed that (surprise surprise) my body & mind began to slowly regenerate.
There was a shift, I started to feel new, to see things afresh, as though for the first time. I began to notice the beauty in things that I'd never noticed before. I was coping with everyday life that little bit better. I learned to be grateful for the smallest things. It was a subtle change; but gradually I no longer felt like that woman who'd was tired of life before her time! .
I incorporated a healthier lifestyle into my routine and now, after my third detox diet I feel healthy and full of power
Roll forward and I’m now a full time yogini and never felt so strong in my life! I practice 2-4 hrs a day & with this I'm free of back pain
I've been an Ashtangi for about 6 months now. I've gained confidence and a zest for life. My awareness of all the beauty in the world grows everyday
This is why I decided to become a teacher, soon to be 200hr RYT, willing to share my knowledge with any lost souls out there searching for a new beginning ❤
Namaste 🙏
