100"I found yoga because I was in a not-so-happy place, I was suffering anxiety attacks, feeling lost & confused, couldn't find joy in anything"
Meet Mara, @shesmilesyogi an Italian yoga teacher living in London who very kindly offered to share her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"I'd reached a point where I was so bored of crying over myself without really doing anything to change the situation I was in. So I started yoga. I started to get stronger. I was lacking deeply in self-confidence
As I got stronger in my body, my mind also started to change its thinking. I got rid of some toxic patterns, anxiety was catching me less & less & slowly but steady I got back on my feet, I started to feel my happy self again
Yoga isn't a miracle cure, it takes time, patience; it's not easy & it never ends
It is a real journey to yourself
I often hear, hell I often say, "let go, love yourself, find gratitude for what you have, you are enough"
But how hard is to actually let go of what doesn’t serve you? I wish it would be as easy as “it’s rubbish day, let me pack all these emotions that I don’t need & bin them!” How hard is to actually, fully & unconditionally love yourself?
To lose that voice inside that can sneak up & whisper: you’re not enough
Gosh I’m so grateful for what I have & the people around me, BUT! Some days I find myself wishing I was living somewhere else, I wish I had more friends, I wish I had a successful career already, some days I wish my legs were longer & my skin flawless
The journey is long & hard &, since I integrated more things that make me happy & give sense to my day, those days are rare. Yet they’re still there
And reading through these stories. We're all together in this community: there is no shame in seeking help. It’s natural to have problems & it’s natural to need help
I decided I wanted to become a yoga teacher probably after the first class I took. I can't explain but it just felt right. I knew I wanted to help people feel good & empower themselves
Thank you for reading, for the support & love that everyday you share with me, even if somedays I feel I’m not worth of it 🙏❤"