Meet Ana Maria Conneely sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"I knew I wanted to be better and to find a path worth loving. To not feel frustrated and to not feel as though my time was less important than anyone else’s
A close friend had lent me the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ by @elizabeth_gilbert_writer: a book I would have turned my nose up to at any other stage in my life but at the time it carried a message for me that lead me to wake up one morning with a strong sense that I needed to truly immerse myself in the practice of yoga and meditation. I was not someone who enjoyed going to group classes so it was a big push to make myself find a class and commit to attending. Since that first class, I have committed to the practice fully and wholeheartedly through the trying times and the joyful times
Everything changed for me from there, slowly...but that decision was pivotal
7 years later I am still working on being a better me, yoga may not be the answer for everyone but for me, it is the key. For the first time in my life, I felt as though I had found something that fitted me rather than me trying to fit into it
2 teacher training's and various diploma’s in nutrition and massage therapy later and the journey continues, I find new depths and layers to this experience of living every day that without my yoga practice would not have been possible
Yoga grants me the ability to connect and share with people on the most authentic level I have ever experienced. And for that, I am beyond grateful
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Ana Maria is a yoga teacher, massage therapist, nutritional advisor and the creator of @awaytolivewell she is dedicated to helping people make small changes that create lasting transformation through yoga, massage and healthy habits.
