Meet sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚
. "I just got into my 1st apartment in a new town & with all that alone time on my hands I was coming to grips with taking responsibility for myself & my actions
Now, yoga didn’t get me off drugs, I fought hard
It didn’t get me out of the abusive relationships, an AMAZING counselor taught me my worth
So, armed with all these new coping skills, an amazing job & the best dog a girl could ask for, I’m ready to take on the world!
Right? ..Ha! More like YA RIGHT!
With all the bills, rent, a job that’s emotional & physically draining, the gas to get there, oh & did I mention you’ll need food for you & that pup???
I “socially drank” & by that I mean - with my dog, far too much that first year, sobbed daily & didn’t do much besides work & walk the dog
Fast forward a little &
I was sitting at a cafe with my dog, having coffee with a woman I'd recently met & we started talking about life...& yoga came up. I'd tried it once, didn’t like it, too slow. Her response- " I always leaned towards the type-A personality as well. When you get home, do yourself a favor & YouTube yin yoga.”
I was hooked. I felt a change in myself after the first video. Who knew what I needed was to slow down, FEEL & just be. I had no idea I didn’t know how to breathe. Soon I was doing yoga before work, after work, lunch - any free time I had. I fell in love
Then I really started falling in love with myself for the first time
Life takes on new colors, smells & meaning when you love yourself. It’s a gift.
Yoga didn’t fix all my problems. It taught me that I could be a better person despite those problems. That I was still worthy of love
Yoga led me to the life I have today. With the love of my dreams & the most beautiful little human! And a couple extra dogs 😉
I’m only 3 months away from flying to another land to immerse myself in knowledge & get certified to teach yoga. If I can teach just one person what I’ve learned, to see their worth & how much love they truly deserve, I will be doing something right 💜