Meet Emilee @cancersavedmylife Her cancer story, yoga & recovery work inspires us. These are her words 💚
"Do you think I feel like getting up everyday with excitement ready to conquer? You might be surprised that I don’t! I actually have to talk myself into getting out of bed, putting my feet on the floor & walking to my bathroom to get ready for the day😜
If you look at this first picture I was breathing with oxygen tubes. I was barely breathing & holding onto life. It was the darkest days I’ve ever seen. At one point I’d wish I would fall asleep & never wake up that’s how much pain I was in
Picture #2❤️ I actually had a smile on my face. I was so excited I was going back to my studio that day to work. WTF? Yes, I woke up that day & put my feet on the pavement ready to face my new reality. It was hard but I did it. No EXCUSES🙏
I carried my catheter bag, hiding in the pillow case, my new ileostomy bag (poo bag) & drains coming off the side of me all tucked inside my blue undies. I covered myself up with baggy clothes so nobody would know I had all this on me (again please don’t judge people) because you never know what they are going through😘
I showed up to teach my yoga class of all things. I was exhausted. I was nervous. I was scared nobody would come. All that mattered was that I showed up for myself. I pushed myself past my comfort zone. I didn’t want to go, but I did. I knew it would be good for my spirits even if I just sat on a chair and told people what to do. I DID it! -
I had a vision of where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do, how I wanted to feel & who I was going to help after I healed. Look where I started & how far I’ve come. You can do it to. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have cancer like me, that’s just my story! We all have a vision of where we want to go. If you don’t, CREATE that vision today!
Write it down. Where are you now & where do you want to go?
It’s not easy. Easy decisions are easy. Hard decisions are hard. Trust that whatever you decide will be the right decision❤️
The reward is looking back & saying LOOK at me NOW🙌🏻"