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"I still fear that anxiety, not to mention the fear, the fear of not being good enough"

Meet Lexi @lexcreid sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"I’ve been thinking about it all day since Fierce Calm & Lee ask me... what does yoga mean to me?


Such a hard question when the topic is your whole world. Your exercise. Your spiritual ritual. Your meditation. Your connection to others. Your lens through which you see everyone and everything. It feels like before yoga, I didn’t know me at all


Like whatever I thought I knew about myself was just a balloon, that if let go, was lost in the atmosphere. Floating. Gone


Yoga gave me the tools to build a home to house my soul. A safe place for my spirit to live, inside my chest, grounded, rooted deep inside of me, and holds me accountable to my truth. I guess what I’m saying is that if I never found yoga, I might have spent my whole life floating, and I’d never truly know me


I used to be so resistant to change. I remember when I graduated high school I decided to go to school in Vermont. When I got there, I totally freaked out. My anxiety and unhealthy relationship with myself eventually brought me back to NJ, only lasting two semesters in the college experience everyone boasts about. I ended up finishing school only an hour away from my hometown, simply studying and working at a dive bar. No yoga yet


Fast forward 5 years and I’m living 3000 miles away from my hometown. A lot has changed. I’ve grown so much. Yet I still feel that same anxiety creeping in sometimes


Not to mention the fear. The fear of not being good enough. The stupid anxiety devil that comes to hand you a bag full of reasons to flip out.

But you know what?

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in my apartment looking at my yoga mat. It just hit me. There is never a need to worry about where in the world my head rests at night. Because the truth is, I’ve finally found my true home, it’s actually been inside of me all along. All it took was a yoga mat and a desperate (but open) heart for me to find it.



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