Meet @camilleupsidedown sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
. "It was in 2015 and it was the very first step into recovery. It took another two years for me to find yoga
I suffered from eating disorders for 12 years. It started when I was a teen and stems from anxiety, loneliness, traumas and self hatred
As an adult I never knew how to like myself but I decided to try
One day I decided to quit smoking and start moving. Then out of boredom for running I stumbled upon yoga
I fell in love first for the physical practice when I realised how strong I could be. I began feeling grateful for this able body privilege that I never realised I had
Then it slowly moved inwards. Without knowing it was a thing I was learning about non harming (myself), non attachment (to the asana beyond my abilities), truthfulness (to who I really was) and expanded outwards
By loving myself I learned how to love others ❤️
Yoga was the best tool I ever found to enable me to be at peace with my body. To accept my body for what it is. I still struggle and I am not recovered yet, but I'm taking ownership of this physical and mental body. I am not what I can possess and I am so much more than what I look like."