Meet @annieinthewoods_ sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"Growing up, I was a dancer. I took dance class 5-6 times a week and studied everything. Ballet, pointe, jazz, tap, modern, lyrical, I even threw a little gymnastics in there because my studio offered it. When it came time to go to college I decided a dance major was a little impractical for me. But two years later I transferred schools, had started to really miss the therapy of movement, & I thought maybe I’d try out & do a double major: dance & political science. Unfortunately, I was two years out of practice & didn’t get accepted
This news hit me really hard. I have struggled with depression since high school & this triggered a depressive episode
I decided to sign up for a yoga class as an elective in an effort to soothe my itch to get back in my body. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done. The teacher was a women who’s story was as profound as they come. She had been diagnosed with arthritis & in a wheelchair. The doctors told her she might never walk again. But then she found yoga & years later, there she was, bouncing around the yoga studio with the vibrancy of a 16 year old. Every time a student would come to her with a complaint about an injury, or not feeling well in anyway, her answer to them would be “Well, you need to do more yoga"
As my depression worsened I stopped going to many of my classes but that was the one class that I could always get out of bed for. This teacher gave me the strength & confidence to know that I can overcome anything
I can honestly say that yoga has saved my life
It has helped mellow me out in areas that I didn’t even know I needed mellowing. It’s helped me to be one with my body & gives me everything that dance did as a child in such a profound way. My depressive episodes are few & far between now when they used to sideline me for 6 months at a time. Now, even the simple feeling of my yoga mat beneath my bare feet is enough to give me peace ❤
Namaste, Annette 🙏
