Meet Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology @msurjaputra009 sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"My actions & behaviors were mainly driven by fear. My life on paper looked great, impressive, but in reality, I was struggling with many demons. I was doing the best that I could, but I was struggling emotionally & mentally
The worst part was feeling hopeless & helpless. Truly believing that this was life & I was incapable of changing things or making anything better. As life continued, I started to find my way. I started talking about my past & feelings with others & with a therapist, found various coping skills, & started a beautiful mindfulness practice
Then I found yoga 🙏
Yoga helped me heal from my past & the healing aspects of yoga is why I continue to show up on my mat & teach
When I first started my yoga practice, I cried every single class for about a month. While I’m practicing, I’m able to let myself & my thoughts go and allow my breath, movement, and sensations take over
With the exception of safety and alignment, there truly is no need for judgment, fear, or insecurities in my yoga practice
. I feel safe and accepted when I am practicing. I find peace through discomfort and challenges on my mat. Since my practice has evolved along with continuing to heal and feel the mindfulness aspects of yoga, I also now come to my mat to feel empowered, strong, & badass
I no longer am driven my fear, sadness, & anxiety. I embrace these emotions & allow them to be a part of my growth and healing journey
I always say, when things get too crazy, come back home & come back to yourself. Yoga is home for me. Yoga grounded me, back to my foundation & allows me to continue to grow, heal, and be a badass 💚
Sincerely, Meta Surjaputra 🙏