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"I grew up in a home of abuse, and with a mother who had a mental illness"

Meet Morgan @yogi_slomo sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ❤



"I was the first in my family to graduate high school & once I did both of my parents suddenly passed away. I was already struggling with mental illnesses but once they passed I spiraled into an unhealthy lifestyle of drugs & liquor. I had no coping skills & truly just wanted my life to end



I couldn’t see a positive living with unbearable PTSD & anxiety. I then found meditation; which turned into yoga. I got clean, started really committing myself to therapy & now I’m living the best life I have in 4 years. I'm gaining control of my life. I found the man of my dreams who was in front of me all along. I’m making my own happiness



This week has been a whirlwind but I’m still here.

I can’t stress enough that everything is temporary. I’ve felt every emotion there is so deeply this week. I’ve had multiple attacks over the last few days, I’ve cried those cries that literally hurt in your chest; but I know it’s just because things are being shaken up



Change is hard for me.

The universe has been testing me & yoga has shown me to just ride the waves. I trust it



Things happen that are out of control & you just have to learn to RIDE ON. Things will happen the way they are supposed to.

I am full of gratitude for all the things I have. Especially these strong coping skills I’m developing. If I had all the things going on that I do now, a year ago, I would’ve been so off mentally I’d be in bed physically sick. My body exhausted. Not eating, or sleeping. Just surviving



This year things are SO different. I’m living not just surviving. Yes, I still have panic attacks but I get out of the hole so much faster. The low doesn’t last as long. So many things contribute to this.

My support system, diet, sleep, yoga, meditation, my faith, work in therapy, & just straight loving. Living in the moment instead of a day ahead or years ahead



We have one life, I don’t want to waste it stressing. •Don’t listen to that voice, you CAN do it!



Yoga saved my life. It got me in tune with my body, & my soul 🙏


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