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“I began yoga at the age of 18 in Egypt even though it was expensive and not popular at the time"

Meet Zeina Assaf @uncensoredzee sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💙 . .

"Although I played other sports, yoga somehow felt different and I began to practice everyday. It gave me a serenity and sense of peace and confidence, much the same as ballet had as a young girl .

Later I got pregnant with my first child and was forced to stop yoga due to the severity of the pregnancy. I didn’t pick my practice back up until after my 4th child was born. I was entirely focused on the kids and my mother suggested that I needed to find something to love for me other than just living my life for my children. Soon after, she watched the kids so I could go on my first of two YTTs . . It changed my life and soon I began teaching eventually building up a teaching practice I am proud of .

Yoga gave me back meaning, a way to listen to my body and connect on a physical level allowing me clarity and patience in my life. It opened me to learning again, to changing my being, to find sanity in the chaos if I was willing to allow it .

Yoga gave my life added value, purpose.... It changed my life.”


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