"I tried to take my life in 2012 after a series of traumatic events including multiple deaths, rape & abuse
As a young adult, I lost myself in the worldly illusions & conditioned limited thinking of my mind: drowning in prescription medications & alcohol as an attempt to survive in a world I hated
Anger, guilt, anxiety, & depression became my norm & I saw no way out. In 2012, I tried to take my life after a domino effect of traumatic events including multiple deaths, rape, & abuse. I was surrounded by chaotic energy & I fed it like the soul depriving demon it had become
A few months later, I met the love of my life & he carried me through the healing process of a few more loved ones deaths. My health began spiraling & brought my entire miniscule attempt of surviving to its knees
God saved my life with a surprise pregnancy that healed every health issue I had been dealing with. The pregnancy & birth of my daughter sparked a light of hope in my dim view of the world. Being the portal for a human soul, transitioning from Heaven to Earth, will do that to a woman
Magic rebirthed all around me & I suddenly knew that depression & anxiety weren’t labels that I had to own. I decided that these two words would be allowed to exist periodically in my journey, but they would not become my identity
I tried yoga for post-partum discomforts & what I received in return was purpose, joy, hope, loving-kindness, faith, magic, healing, & awakening
Yoga has created a steady balance, that I never knew before. A love for the inhabitants of this world that I had once despised 💚
It has allowed me to once again become a feeling, passionate being with a profound respect for my journey. A clear path has been revealed about my purpose & contribution to the evolution & awakening process of all
Yoga opened my heart to the ‘we’ of this world in a way that brings tears to my eyes. It healed illusions in my mind that told me happiness wasn’t a possibility for me. It revealed our shared divine source, whom has the ability to truly see, forgive, & love others in a way I thought only Jesus could do" 🙏