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"For most of my life I suffered with ill health"

Meet Kayleigh @newearthyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story. These are her words❤



"Yoga has always been a constant in my life when things become unstable, coming to Yoga is like coming home



My yoga journey started as a teenager, I first stepped in to a Yoga asana class with a traditional teacher & it successfully managed to both bring me in to my body & help me escape from it at the same time



I have joint hyper-mobility syndrome, & had undiagnosed coeliac disease, as I wasn’t receiving nutrients with a damaged gut I developed an autoimmune thyroid condition, pre cancerous cells & diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & suffered with constant reoccurring infections in the throat, sinuses & spleen amongst others



Yoga has definitely saved my life: when I didn’t practice, I would become depressed, I would allow myself to be consumed by a vicious circle of illness, suffering & hiding from pain with alcohol, drugs or other methods of avoiding my truth



My yoga practice led me on a path of healing, a path to a vegan diet, meditation and a path to peace. The combination makes me well, I no longer have a thyroid disorder, I have no symptoms of fibromyalgia & no chronic fatigue



I believe a yoga practice is a path to self awareness, I’m not Kayleigh suffering with another illness I’m an expression of pure awareness & finding a connection to that has forced me to face the pain. Instead of trying to hide from it, or numb the experience, I have looked pain in the eye, figured out how to face it, explore it & heal



Physically Yoga asana has healed my body, mentally my yoga practice has brought me peace & generally it’s made me a happier, healthier, kinder, more compassionate person



I believe Yoga is a healing scientific system designed to elevate human consciousness, I now teach yoga classes and I’m extremely conscious of including all the aspects of Yoga not just Asana in to my teachings. What an amazing job just to introduce people to something that can heal them, something that can help them, something that can offer them a path to a healthy body & healthy mind.


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