Meet @aprilannemusic sharing her truly moving #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are here words ❤
"I was in my early twenties and had lost the only person who truly cared and supported me. I was in a very toxic relationship, and was being abused by this person in various ways
I was depressed, lonely, in pain and found myself at 150 pounds on this little 5 foot frame. I was miserable. I hated myself so much that I wanted to destroy every reflective surface in my home and contemplated suicide often
After a failed suicide attempt in 2004 I realized I needed to fix me or I was going to die
That's when yoga found me. Early in 2005 at a gym down the street from my house
I was clumsy, shy, out of shape, depressed but everytime I left the mat I felt better. Next thing you know I had bought my own mat, was doing it at home as well for at least an hour a day. I was gaining balance and mobility, strength from the inside out, and a better state of mind
In 2008 I became a certified yoga instructor and in 2010 I was blessed with the opportunity to open my own studio
Unfortunately due to life I lost the studio and everything else I had. But I never stopped practicing, teaching, growing
To this day I still practice about 2 hours a day and am putting together yoga retreats! (Next one is in San Felipe in October 2018)
Namaste 🙏 April Anne