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"Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a hard time feeling comfortable in my own skin"

Meet Nikki @nikkifcasey sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"When I was around 12 years old I started to suffer from depression & used excessive exercising to cope with it. The exercising turned into anorexia by 15



By 19 I was a full blown alcoholic. In a matter of a two months span at the age of 19 I had been arrested twice and lost my license



In a deep dark hole I needed hope. I discovered yoga. The practice of yoga taught me patience, kindness, and strength



Even though I had an avid practice I was too afraid to go to an actual yoga class in an actual studio. For 8 years I did yoga alone in my room before I finally took a class



I started the journey of becoming a yoga instructor but had to stop half way through the year long training. My alcoholism came back full force



This time it brought me to an even darker bottom. I dropped out of the yoga teacher training and attended a 30 day rehab center for drug and alcohol abuse. But while in rehab I did yoga every single morning. I never lost my practice



Now almost three years sober from drugs and alcohol I am embarking on my yoga teacher training journey again. I am also in the process of opening up a yoga studio



Yoga has been my saving grace and my anchor through all my challenges. It was been the one constant I could always count on 🙏



It’s safe to say yoga saved my life ❤


Nikki x


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