Meet Dani @healthywholeme on, almost, the anniversary of the day she got the 'all clear' from cancer 6 years ago. These are her words 💚
"My mother in law ushered me to my first yoga class. I had already finished chemotherapy for breast cancer. My 3 daughters were only little. One was 4 and my twins were 2. I was still waiting for my hair to grow back so I wore a hat over my wig, and I was constantly worried the whole lot would slip off my head in downward dog! Imagine how relaxed I was. Not .
I wore socks as I had lost all my toenails during my treatment and was so conscious about exposing my feet, that my first few classes were a very slippy affair .
And no, I did not fall in love with yoga immediately. But for some reason, and thanks to my fantastic teacher, I kept going back, week after week & today I love it so much I want to stand on my head everywhere I go!
My physical yoga practice has slowly started to rebuild my 'house‘. I grew stronger, more flexible which in return gave me confidence .
But it is mentally that my yoga practice has really made a difference. Every time I step on my mat I become aware that it is the 'here and now' the present moment that really counts. All my worries about my future health are really just an illusion. It has not happened and, besides, there are no guarantees either way. And I cannot change all the things that have already happened, these belong to the past. So what I’m left with is the NOW and that NOW is so important. It counts! Thats yoga 🙏 .
Every time I step on my mat yoga teaches me that I can cultivate a sensation of being present in my own body. And for that, I love yoga. I’m not sure if it saved my physical life, but along with other therapies, it played an important role in saving my emotional life. Sending special thanks to @claireweatherleyoga and love to you all. Namaste! Dani ❤
As a #wellnesswarrior Dani now runs a website dedicated to healthy wholesome recipes and lifestyle www.healthywholeme.com