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Brealle Frasier @bendybree, a yoga teacher talking about how Yoga heals

"Being able to take care of yourself is essential to living the happiest and most productive life possible." . Meet Brealle Frasier @bendybree, a yoga teacher currently living in Alaska. She got our attention talking about how Yoga heals and wanted to share with us. These are her words. "Self-care is one of the most common themes in all yoga programs. In short, self-care means deliberately and purposefully taking time out of your regular routine to release stress and refocus your energy and purpose. .  I was first introduced to self-care during my initial yoga teacher training, and I realized as I examined my day to day life, that I was not practicing self-care the way I should have been. . In the past I was like a snowball at the top of a hill and the closer I got to the bottom, the bigger the crash was going to be. After I started to take care of myself and set aside time everyday for some me time, I was a whole new person. I found my yoga practice, my husband, life long friends and I discovered new dreams and aspirations that I hardly thought possible before. I do my self practice so that when I am teaching other people, we learn and grow together at the same time. I love helping others and its important to reach out and serve your community, but at the same time we need to care for ourselves too" 🙏


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