Meet Regina @gypsygina sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong, like a odd molecule in this vast celestial plane. In mid 2018, I was working at a very rough job and just couldn’t find my purpose. Once I read the book The Alchemist, this changed my life completely; I had to find my personal legend
Recieving my yoga certification was the most life changing, impactful moment in my life. I had no choice but to face my thoughts and fears, and overcome them
Yoga and meditation healed me; I finally found solitude I finally had control of my OWN body. My goal is to open up holistic wellness centers in lower-Income neighborhoods for women who dealt with sexual violence
I want to spread the word of self love and hollistic healing though my social media outlets and my yoga classes. As a woman, I am a strong force of nature, and I can create life into anything I manifest; as the light in me honors the light in you 💚 Regina
