Meet the unbelievably talented @aurorabowkett this is her #yogasavedmylife story she offered to share with us ❤
"Yoga came to me in a time of high stress, unhealthy lifestyle & unhappiness. As an ex dancer & performer, exercise has always been a big part of my life, but driven by ego & a need to be validated. I'd go to the gym everyday because I was afraid of losing my figure or fitness. In group classes I would push myself to extremes, buying into the 'no pain no gain' cult Caught up in a busy, stressed lifestyle, I overworked, not eating properly, pushing through illness & emotional & physical exhaustion. Ignoring the warning signs I finally crashed, exhausted. It was a wake up call, forcing me to take a step back from my life, seeing how unconnected I'd become to my body & emotionally disconnected Retreating into myself, I took up yoga, in an attempt to calm & focus my mind. Working mainly through online vinyasa flow classes, I began to see my mat as a place where I could go & intuitively connect to my body. For the first time I began to find a place of calm each time I rolled out my mat. Once the seed of my love for yoga was firmly rooted, I branched out & began to attend local classes and workshops, connecting with other yogis around the city & beyond while learning as much as I could from any class I attended or conversation I had Through continual exploration of my own practice, attending group classes, meditation groups, training workshops and finally my YTT, I have gone through a turbulent & unforgettable journey of self exploration. I sought to learn not just the physical asana but also the other elements of yoga - how I could take my practice off my mat & into the world, into my life as a whole Unearthing years of closed off emotions & trauma, I gradually addressed issues I didn't know I had, allowed myself to become vulnerable & open to those around me, & found something which I had been missing for so long: a root connection to myself I've opened my heart, embraced change & never looked back❤🙏
