Meet Kimberly @blooming_alchemy sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"Before you scroll down, check out the second photo, where the picture on the left is me from 2010. I was 50 lbs overweight & struggling with mental health issues. I was lost & looking for help from therapists, psychiatrists, and prescription meds. I had to request a mental leave of absence from college after my GPA dipped below 2.0 and they revoked my scholarship. I was miserable, and I numbed out with food, alcohol, drugs, and partying. I had no hope that things would change
Then I took a yoga class at my college just to get 2 credits & see if I could get my GPA up. I hated showing up to class, but I had to if I wanted to finish my degree. I started to see how broken my body and spirit were at only 20 years old, and more importantly, I started to see that I could fix it. The next year led me down a path of self love, awareness, redemption, and healing. I was able to get my scholarship back & finish my degree. But by the time I graduated, I had only one goal - teach yoga
A lot of times when we are searching for something, the truth is that we already know the answer deep down inside. What we're really searching for is an excuse, a distraction, or a bandaid. The hardest thing is to face your shadow head-on. I struggle with it too. But yoga is a safe space to face the hard facts. It's a practice of NOT abandoning or distracting yourself. It's a way to face the answers you've been running from
We use breath and asana to tone the nervous system from both a physical and mental standpoint. For me personally, I became able to overcome severe anxiety that had plagued me my whole life. It takes daily attention and dedication, but this practice is a lifesaver .
I will forever be grateful that this practice has saved my life, and I love offering yogic tools to other people who are suffering from trauma and illness. May the learning and love continue to spread exponentially ❤🙏
