"Yoga saved my life by helping me learn to love myself again"
Meet new yogini Jordan sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
100"Being a mother is wonderful, by far the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It’s brought so much joy & fulfillment in my life but it’s not all beautiful & happy times. Becoming a first time mom, I slowly started to sink into depression & my anxiety became something I felt like I was losing control over
I tried to find things to do to put me in a better mood, to distract myself from my stomach issues, to just loosen up a bit. Some things worked for a moment but not for long. Having a 1 year old, taking care of everything at home, dealing with chronic stomach pains & hypothyroidism; I had an insane lack of energy
This past february my friend was starting a monthly yoga challenge & I wanted to join! I woke up every morning excited to do it. After a few days, I fell in love with the habit I had already made of waking up with gratitude , clearing my mind, meditating & stretching the body
Since february 1st there hasn’t been one day that i let go by without practicing. pushing myself, setting/reaching goals , taking care of my mind, body & soul. I am finally loving who I'm growing into. I still get stressed, frustrated, anxious as yoga does not make you perfect 😉 but it has helped me have better control of my thoughts which result in better actions! .
Yoga helps me to release it all. It helps me to forgive myself. It teaches me to get back up every time I’ve fallen. Yoga helps my character. It helps my strength. Yoga ignites a fire in me. It pushes me. It helps me believe in myself. Yoga gives me confidence. Yoga is always there lifting my spirits up again & again. Yoga saved my life! .
If you are at a low point in your life, if you’re looking for an extra hobby or if you aren’t happy with the way that you feel with your body/mind I highly suggest getting into yoga. The quote “you don’t have to be good , you just need to be good to yourself” has so much truth to it ! All you need is a positive mindset .
ॐ thank you so much for reading .
Namaste , Jordan 🙏