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"Anxiety has always tried to rule my life - ever since I was a little girl"

Meet @allisonsmithwellness sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚

. "Like most people, I began my yoga journey thinking about strengthening my body and potentially getting myself into all those crazy arm balances or handstands we now see all over social media. I quickly realized that my practice would be much more than that


The anxiety had been there as a girl - although at that time, no one ever labeled it as anxiety - but that's a whole other story - but it wasn't until I was 24, I finally admitted to myself that anxiety was a part of my life & I was going to have to figure out the best ways to work with it


This is where my yoga practice began to shift. Over the last 10 years my practice has evolved from a workout, to a time where I allow myself to sit with discomfort, stay mindful, breathe, and trust


At this point in my life, I feel the pressure (and I know I’m not alone) to do it all- be financially successful, eat healthy, work out every day, save money, have a successful relationship, buy a home, all while still trying to take care of myself and make sure I am truly happy (I’m still trying to figure out what that means). When I come back to my mat, I realize that this is the one place that never changes or judges. It doesn’t care what your body looks like, what kind of clothes you’re wearing, or what you ate for breakfast. It is a place where I can just be me. Whether I am practicing in a studio or at my house, I am comforted by the movements, the breath, and the thoughts that have become my safe place. This is where I allow myself to be vulnerable, to work through my shit, to not judge


Practicing (and teaching) yoga is not only an outlet for me, but a reminder that life is just the way it needs to be at that moment in time, whether we are in the light or the dark. Yoga centers me, grounds me, and supports me


Allison 💚"


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