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Jun 9, 20192 min read
Meet Guzel Mursalimova @yogawithguzel sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ❤
"Yoga has made me more compassionate & less judgmental not only to other people, but also to myself" It was 2011 & I was accepted as an...
May 31, 20191 min read
Meet @jf.wellness sharing his #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are his words
"As a teen, I struggled with loneliness, social pressure, and heavy anxiety. Even though I was a fortunate kid with a loving family,...
May 31, 20192 min read
Meet @tessadowney sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚
"Facing heart surgery, I'll never forget the tears in the eyes of my gymnastics coach when I told her I was going under the knife. I knew...
May 31, 20192 min read
Meet @robynchilders sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I woke up from a coma 15 years ago today. I’d been lying in an ICU for 4 days on a ventilator, nearly lifeless, after an intentional...
May 31, 20191 min read
Meet Tash @postpartum_lovingme sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"For years I’ve dealt with body dysmorphia. Never thin enough, never pretty enough, never strong enough. Yoga saved me" . "I busted...
May 31, 20192 min read
"Meet @jengoodinewriter sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. ❤"Meet @jengoodinewriter sharing
"I've struggled with anxiety, PTSD & disordered eating my entire life. I used exercise to release the pent up emotion I'd locked away...
May 31, 20192 min read
Meet MH counselor Blair sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us
"First and foremost- I AM NOT ALONE. It took me a long time to realize that my struggle was not my own; that I am like 1 in 5 adults in...
May 20, 20192 min read
"Suicidal thoughts, feeling inadequate,unworthy, unloved... I've been it, seen it, lived it"
Meet firefighter @iamshaboya sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚 . . I was diagnosed with depression & was...
May 20, 20192 min read
Meet @wellbeingelle sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚
"It was Autumn 2018, I hadn’t been able to shake off my 3 week bout of laryngitis. The doctor had just inserted a tiny camera down my...
May 20, 20191 min read
Meet @soulsmileyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I came to yoga through the lens of anxiety, an over active, over-thinking mind; a level of dissatisfaction with my life & a realisation...
May 20, 20192 min read
"Writing this right now my hands are shaking, sweating and my thoughts are all over the place"
Meet Amanda @namastonez sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤ . "As far back as I can remember I’ve suffered...
May 20, 20192 min read
Meet @sarahmatchenyoga @accessibleyoga ambassador sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us.
"As far back as I can remember, I strived for perfection & built my identity around achievements. In my 20's, the constant worrying,...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet Tracey @soul_good_yogauk sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"After years of suffering a herniated spinal disc & sciatica that left me lay flat in bed for months on end, yoga saved me. It brought...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet our Mental Health Champion @helenbashfordyoga. These are her words 💚
"My sibling tried to push me down the stairs when I was one. According to those present, it wasn’t a game, it was hatred. The event set...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet Melody @thelivingsong sharing her story with us.These are her words ❤
"Sexual Assault, domestic violence, and an autoimmune disease lead to shame, pain, and depression #Yogasavedmylife For years I lived in...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet Rachael @kimikari_kaze sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"About 7 years ago, age 17, I was caring for my chronically ill father & a grandfather with late stage Alzheimer's. At this same time I...
May 19, 20191 min read
“I began yoga at the age of 18 in Egypt even though it was expensive and not popular at the time"
Meet Zeina Assaf @uncensoredzee sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💙 . . "Although I played other sports,...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet Alyson @_yogabrain sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"Despite the brain injury that took me out of competitive sports & put me on a completely different path, I remained the optimist I've...
May 19, 20192 min read
Meet @marigiseleyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"My yoga practice found me at a time in my life where I knew little to no comfort in my own skin. At 11, struggling to feel accepted by...
May 19, 20192 min read
"When the thought of suicide, seemed like the only option"
Meet Kerry @naturesconnection sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚 . . "I had practiced yoga on and off from...
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