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Nov 16, 20181 min read
"I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis after years of extreme pain in my lower back"
Meet @sarakicksas sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤ . . "The disease caused bone erosion in my...
Nov 16, 20182 min read
Meet Nancy @yoga_with_sol sharing her #yogasavedmylife story. These are her words ❤
"Eight Years ago, I was involved in a sledding accident causing a whiplash injury. As minor as it seemed at first, it give me a life of...
Nov 16, 20182 min read
Meet Nila Phi @fairy.phi & Vipin M @vipin.m.d sharing their yoga stories with us❤
Nila :"I started my yoga journey about 13 years ago. It started out as a way to stretch after spending too much time sitting at a desk or...
Nov 15, 20182 min read
"I suffer with a degenerative disease and I will say #yogasavedmylife, several times"
Meet @littlelifeoflizzie these are her words❤ . . "I've been on & off a yoga mat since I was 7 years old. I learned animal poses then,...
Nov 15, 20182 min read
Meet @xojordanmariah sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"Diagnosed with Endometriosis 4 years ago I never expected I would get sick with something doctors couldn’t seem to fix I never thought I...
Nov 15, 20182 min read
Meet Polish yogini Sylwia @sylvvvia_m sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us these are her words
"Ever since I was a child I've fought against Crohn's, autoimmune disease, eating disorders & mental health problems: including...
Nov 15, 20182 min read
Meet Madeleine @cosmic_lemons sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"In 2013 I was struck by a car while riding a bike & suffered a fractured tibia, pelvis, a compound fracture of my ulna, two fractured...
Nov 13, 20181 min read
Meet Amy @mimibyogini sharingher #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
After 30 years of a beloved running lifestyle, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease likely related to my scoliosis My...
Nov 13, 20181 min read
Flashback to 2003, my father passed unexpectedly that March and it started a downward spiral for me
Meet @aprilannemusic sharing her truly moving #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are here words ❤ . . "I was in my early twenties and...
Nov 13, 20182 min read
Meet @roxyu.yogi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
“ When I was 22 I decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in London, England. Not long after, I was diagnosed with PCOS...
Nov 13, 20182 min read
"Believe in yourself. Its only fear holding you back!"
Meet @bionicgreta She doesn't really think of herself as a yogi, but I don't know about you, her outlook & strength, make her a guru to...
Nov 13, 20182 min read
Meet Lauren @thetravelingtrainers a 34 year old business owner, mother, partner & yoga teacher.
"A tough pregnancy exacerbated my existing scoliosis & chronic back pain followed, then my sciatic nerve got involved & numbness &...
Nov 11, 20182 min read
"Sexual Assault, domestic violence, and an autoimmune disease lead to shame, pain, and depression"
Meet Melody @thelivingsong These are her words ❤ . . For years I lived in chronic pain, migraines, muscle, joints, & back pain. On a pain...
Nov 11, 20182 min read
"I was suffering with chronic back and muscle pain"
"I was suffering with chronic back and muscle pain and my lifestyle - overdoing the nightlife - was contributing to my depression" . ....
Nov 11, 20182 min read
Meet 96 year old yoga teacher @anneeversfraser sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us.
"I was first introduced to yoga by my daughter over 30 years ago. It was something we enjoyed doing together & allowed us to re-connect...
Nov 7, 20182 min read
In 2015, Travelling as a passenger on the back of a Vespa on an Italian country road myworld changed
Meet Michele @michele.anne.barocchi sharing her astonishing story. These are her words ❤ . . "I began my yoga journey in 1988, unaware...
Nov 7, 20182 min read
It's impossible to explain the constant state of terror you live in as a military spouse
"I discovered vinyasa yoga, after my ex husband was deployed to Afghanistan. It's impossible to explain the constant state of terror you...
Nov 7, 20181 min read
A couple months ago, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis that left me debilitated and in pain
Meet @maryyysmith sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚 . . "I began my yoga journey over 2 years ago with...
Nov 7, 20182 min read
Meet @simplyamandajune sharing her story story with us. These are her words 💚
"I am a survivor of ritualistic, physical, emotional, & narcissistic abuse. This lead to complex PTSD, multiple personalities,...
Nov 7, 20181 min read
I had always struggled with finding a sport suitable for me because I suffered from joint pain
"I discovered yoga when I was 14 years old. I come from a small town in Iceland, a yoga teacher had just moved into town and was offering...
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