Meet international yoga teacher, Mary Haberski @yogasurflove
"#yogasavedmylife bringing me out of depression, fear & coping with loss & cancer"
These are the words of @mikaila_nyc sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us
Meet Anthropologist, Sanskritist @omkarlie sharing her #yogasavedmylife story to inspire others.
"Yoga has made me more compassionate & less judgmental not only to other people, but also to myself"
3 years into my Yoga journey I’ve gained self acceptance, honouring my body
I was on a rollercoaster of depression & hyper vigilance
"Pre yogi-life I suffered from mental illnesses such as anorexia & depression."
"Yoga saved me. It saved my sanity, my marriage, my family" .
Meet @lucyvictoriajacksonyoga Vinyasa & Yin Yoga teacher
"I suffered through a period of years in my life where I worked very hard at being someone else"
After years of dealing with pain, illness and fear. I decided it was time to take control of my life
"Some days I feel amazing in my body, some days inadequate.
"At two years of sobriety, untreated depression and anxiety took over my life"
"The grief and darkness I’ve walked through are difficult for me to share"
"In my teens and early twenties, I battled with different types of eating disorders"
It was my practice & my attachment to my breath for just that 90 minutes a day that kept me going
It wasn't until I took up the practice of yoga and mindfulness that I found true relief
Yoga saved my life. I live fully as myself, whether anyone else likes me or not
When I roll out my mat I know that whatever else is going on I am now safe to heal, grow, evolve