I was moving steadily forward into uncertainty, and with no sense of real purpose of my own

Meet @sarahjanelorenzo This her #yogasavedmylife story ❤

"My Yoga mat was the first place I felt empowered"

"After years chasing things outside of myself to make me happy, yoga led me to find joy within"

A couple months ago, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis that left me debilitated and in pain

My life has seen constant change, making me anxious. Without yoga I would be less resilient

Meet @simplyamandajune sharing her story story with us. These are her words 💚

I had always struggled with finding a sport suitable for me because I suffered from joint pain

I got hooked at that moment you realize theres something different about yoga

"One night I finally gave up. I wanted my life to be over"

Becoming a first time mom, I slowly started to sink into depression

I was suffering anxiety attacks, feeling lost & confused, couldn't find joy in anything

Yoga made my transition to motherhood extremely easy

I'm Kay, @yogabykaylondon, the other half of Fierce Calm that isn't Lee 😀!

"I was born with Hip Dysplasia & had a total of seven hip surgeries by the age of 15"

In 2015 I was diagnosed with stomach cancer & stunned when they told me my stomach was to be removed

"Yoga quite honestly, saved me"

"Yoga saved my life by getting me off heroin and taught me to stop hating myself"

Depression affects different people in different ways

Meet @kristinbosteels sharing her powerful story with us. These are her words ❤