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May 19, 20192 min read
"When the thought of suicide, seemed like the only option"
Meet Kerry @naturesconnection sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚 . . "I had practiced yoga on and off from...

May 4, 20192 min read
Meet @georgiabrentyoga Sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"At 11 years old I started self-harming & it became my way of coping with my parent's divorce, depression, & life itself Throughout my...

May 4, 20192 min read
Meet @vamountain_yogi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I had my first experience with yoga from a workout video, then a hot yoga class @inbalanceyogablacksburg Little did I know it would...

Apr 29, 20192 min read
"Yoga helped me cope with cancer, loss, fear and depression"
Meet Jen @iampixelated sharing #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 📷 . . "I found yoga through a back injury in 2010....

Apr 29, 20192 min read
Meet @luliyogini sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words
"Those who have loved a dog will know the love you share is like nothing else. So the moment my little angel died in my arms, I broke. My...

Apr 5, 20192 min read
Meet Melissa @itsyogalmell sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"Throughout high school & college I never had any self confidence or self esteem. I struggled with binge eating, even though I hated the...

Apr 5, 20191 min read
"My grandma’s passing was a confusing time for me & I didn’t want to accept it"
Meet Shannon @sierradeh sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚 . . "I found yoga at the age of 18. I didn’t...

Apr 5, 20192 min read
"Eight miscarriages & a traumatic birth led to PTSD & depression"
Meet @forever.learn.lindsay sharing her #yogasavedmylife story ❤ . . "When I was 22 I was diagnosed with a chromosome abnormality called...

Apr 5, 20192 min read
Meet @selenagarefinoyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife with us. These are her words 💚
"My world has ended many times & been remade with yoga the only constant. I’m supposed to tell you about how yoga saved my life. I don’t...

Mar 31, 20192 min read
Meet @owlett_meg_yoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚
“I was trapped in a controlling and abusive relationship; I wasn’t allowed to leave my own home unescorted for almost 7 years I’d always...

Mar 21, 20192 min read
Meet @laurenfarinayoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I have three children. It’s much worse when your chronic illness & suffering is making OTHER people suffer... I started a dedicated yoga...

Mar 21, 20192 min read
Meet @grace.e.gray sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"A past riddled with childhood molestation, bullying, depression, PTSD & lost motivation to live is hard to heal. My innocence stolen by...

Mar 12, 20192 min read
Meet Lana'i @shimmybone sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚
"My father was battling cancer. It was so hard to see a man that was literally a ball of energy become fragile & in need of our...

Feb 27, 20192 min read
Meet Brie @yogigoddess_b sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"2 years ago my brother’s lifeless body was found hanging in the basement of our house. He left this world never to be seen again, & it’s...

Feb 27, 20192 min read
"When yoga found me, I was lost. Life had broken me"
Meet Lara @mintyogini sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚 . . "In 2009 I had been living on my own for...

Feb 26, 20192 min read
My name is @colette_theyogadoc & this is how #yogasavedmylife.
"In 2012, crushing chest pain & breathlessness led to a viral cardiomyopathy diagnosis. I turned to yoga to rehabilitate. My mat became...

Feb 26, 20192 min read
Meet Mary @by.mca sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"My little sister killed herself following a fight with her boyfriend when I was halfway through a 200-hour yoga teacher training. She...

Feb 18, 20192 min read
Meet sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚
"I was born into a home of suffering. My Dad came from an abusive home & was alcoholic. My Mum had lost two babies before me (premature &...

Feb 15, 20192 min read
Meet the inspirational @amandamarieyogi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us.
"Experiencing domestic violence in past relationships, I became more resilient to abuse, learning to identify & set boundaries;...

Feb 4, 20192 min read
"Yoga saved me, overcoming postpartum depression and the loss of my husband"
Meet Tammura, @birdsofafeather_journey sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 🙏 . . "My pregnancy and birth of...
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